June 2017

About Me

Hi and welcome to my website.

Though I hail from the county of Warwickshire, UK, I have lived in various parts of the world before settling in Scotland thirty years ago.

I have a passion for photography that has developed over a timespan of forty years. During this period I have enjoyed various genres such as portraiture, still life studies, street, wildlife and travel. I am self taught and have thoroughly enjoyed my journey from a point, press and pray philosophy to a more thoughtful "do I really want to take this shot?" approach.

Currently my focus is on travel and wildlife and I try to combine the two as much as possible. I have a fascination for travel, with India being one of my favourite destinations. I therefore decided to share a selection of photographs taken in this remarkable country with people who visit this site.

I classify this website as 'work in progress' for it is my intention to enhance it with a wider selection of the photographs I have and will produce in the future.

I hope you enjoy.